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HomeRight to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA)

Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA)


Any person is entitled to request and receive information related to the public business of Fundy Albert (as a public body); have access to records containing personal information about themselves; or request corrections to records containing personal information about themselves in the custody and control of Fundy Albert in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA).


The Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act of the Province of New Brunswick states that any person is entitled to request and receive records relating to the public business of public bodies, have access to their personal information, and to request corrections to records containing their personal information in the custody and control of a public body in New Brunswick. 

A record is defined as information contained in a record that is written, photographed, recorded, or stored by graphic, electronic, or mechanical means. Public business includes any activity or function carried on or performed by a public body. Personal information means recorded information about an identifiable individual. There is no right to access certain types of information prescribed under sections 17 to 33 of RTIPPA. 

RTIPPA does not replace existing procedures for accessing any information that is normally available to the public; nor does it affect any fees that may be charged for such access; nor should it become the sole vehicle by which personal information may be accessed or corrected. 


Records in the custody or under the control of Fundy Albert shall be used, maintained, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with municipal policies and procedures and all applicable legislation. Unless exempted or limited under the Act, Fundy Albert shall allow the public a right of access to records in its custody or under its control. 

Before a formal request for information is made, the municipality encourages individuals to explore the municipal website where a number of records and information are readily available and accessible. In the event that the information cannot be found online, individuals are encouraged to direct a request to a specific department. If you are looking for information but would like to make a request outside of the RTIPPA process, please email assistant@fundyalbert.ca. If you are still unable to find the information being sought, you have the right to request the information under the provisions of RTIPPA and this Policy. Please find the application below.

How long does a request take to process?

Under the legislation, the municipality is required to respond to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is required (because your request was not detailed enough, the extent of the request, or third-party consultation is required), an extension can be given but the municipality is required to advise the applicant when a response can be expected.

For more information about the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy on the Government of New Brunswick website @ Right to Information and Protection of Privacy

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