What We Do
The Public Works team is dedicated to managing and maintaining the essential infrastructure that supports our vibrant community. Key metrics of our operations include:
- Public Works Staff: 7.5
- Communities serviced: 3
- Roads Maintained: 60.63 KM
- 3 Water Distribution Networks: 35 KM of water main and 122 hydrants
- 3 Wastewater Network: 31.23 KM of sanitary sewer and 3 lagoons
- 3 Stormwater Network: 14 KM of storm drains with 92 catch basins
- Facilities Managed: 43 (see below)
- Community Trails: Approximately 10 KM
- Fleet and Equipment Value: $3.2 million

The amalgamation of three former villages and LSD’s presented unique challenges, including varying service expectations, distances traveled, and the need to harmonize operations across three distinct water distribution systems. Despite these hurdles, our team has established a strong foundation for efficient service delivery and future development in support of Fundy-Alberts Strategic Priorities. We envision a Public Works Department recognized for its innovation and responsiveness, where infrastructure improvements align with community needs and enhance the quality of life for all residents and visitors in Fundy Albert.
Fundy Albert Facilities
Ser | Facility | Service | Location |
1 | WellHouse&ReservoirBuilding | DrinkingWater | Alma |
2 | BoosterStation | DrinkingWater | Alma |
3 | FormerVillageOffice | GeneralGovernmentServices | Alma |
4 | StorageBuilding | GeneralGovernmentServices | Alma |
5 | AlmaFireHall | ProtectiveServices | Alma |
6 | AlmaActivityCentre | Recreation&CulturalService | Alma |
7 | AlmaCulturalCentre | Recreation&CulturalService | Alma |
8 | FosterRdLiftStation | Wastewater | Alma |
9 | FundyViewDr.LiftStation | Wastewater | Alma |
10 | AlmaLagoonBlowerBuilding | Wastewater | Alma |
11 | AlmaLagoonUVBuilding | Wastewater | Alma |
12 | WaterTreatmentPlant-AuxiliaryPowerBuilding | DrinkingWater | Riverside-Albert |
13 | WaterTreatmentPlant-FiltrationBuilding | DrinkingWater | Riverside-Albert |
14 | WaterReservoir(WaterSource) | DrinkingWater | Riverside-Albert |
15 | WaterStorageFacility | DrinkingWater | Riverside-Albert |
16 | WaterTreatmentPlantControlBuilding | DrinkingWater | Riverside-Albert |
17 | Riverside-AlbertFormerVillageOffice | GeneralGovernmentServices | Riverside-Albert |
18 | StorageBuilding | GeneralGovernmentServices | Riverside-Albert |
19 | Riverside-AlbertFireHall | ProtectiveServices | Riverside-Albert |
20 | Riverside-AlbertRecreationCentre | Recreation&CulturalService | Riverside-Albert |
21 | PicnicShelters | Recreation&CulturalService | Riverside-Albert |
22 | RASanitaryLiftStationNo.1 | Wastewater | Riverside-Albert |
23 | RASanitaryLiftStationno.2 | Wastewater | Riverside-Albert |
24 | Riverside-AlbertLagoon | Wastewater | Riverside-Albert |
25 | WaterPumpingStationNo.1 | DrinkingWater | Hillsborough |
26 | WaterPumpingStationNo.2 | DrinkingWater | Hillsborough |
27 | ReservoirBuilding&Reservoir | DrinkingWater | Hillsborough |
28 | PublicWorksGarage1 | GeneralGovernmentServices | Hillsborough |
29 | PublicWorksGarage2 | GeneralGovernmentServices | Hillsborough |
30 | FundyAlbertVillageOffice | GeneralGovernmentServices | Hillsborough |
31 | FormerVillageOffice&Library | GeneralGovernmentServices | Hillsborough |
32 | GeneratorBuilding | GeneralGovernmentServices | Hillsborough |
33 | HillsboroughFireHall | ProtectiveServices | Hillsborough |
34 | SteeveshouseMuseum | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
35 | VisitorInformationCentre | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
36 | Arena | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
37 | ArenaServiceBuilding | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
38 | Pool | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
39 | PublicWashroom | Recreation&CulturalService | Hillsborough |
40 | SanitaryLiftStationNo.1 | Wastewater | Hillsborough |
41 | SanitaryLiftStationNo.2 | Wastewater | Hillsborough |
42 | SanitaryLiftStationNo.3 | Wastewater | Hillsborough |
43 | WastewaterTreatmentFacility | Wastewater | Hillsborough |