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Community Grants

Supporting the Community

Fundy Albert supports the effort of many community groups each year through our Community Grants Program. Funds are set aside for community initiatives and groups that are conducive to building a more vibrant community and/or that relate to the municipality’s long-term strategic priorities (pending) and are awarded through an open application-based process.

all 2025 grant requests are to be requested by September 30 for 2025. Grants applied for by the deadline are subject to approval from Council during budget deliberations. Applicants will be notified in December by the Clerk upon approval of the municipal budget.
For grants less than $250.00 please email cao@fundyalbert.ca the following information:
  • applicant name(s) and contact information.
  • amount of funding requested.
  • purpose of request.
  • benefit to the municipality.
  • how the municipality will be recognized for their contribution.
  • when the funding is needed by.
For grants of $250.00 or more please email cao@fundyalbert.ca the following information:
  • applicant name(s) and contact information.
  • amount of funding requested.
  • purpose of request.
  • benefit to the municipality.
  • how the municipality will be recognized for their contribution.
  • when the funding is needed by.
  • budget for project and/or request.
Organizations that request grants from Fundy Albert in excess of $1000 annually are encouraged to apply for multi-year grants.
All multi-year grants must be submitted via email to cao@fundyalbert.ca no later than August 30. Applicants are limited to one multi-year grant application per fiscal year. Organizations may receive additional grants over the course of a year, but only one multi-year request can be submitted per year.
Applicants will be notified annually of multi-year grants in December, following budget deliberations.
The following is the standard information that is collected through the application process for this stream:
  • applicant name(s) and contact information.
  • amount of funding requested.
  • organizational overview.
  • detailed description and overview of the purpose of request.
  • benefit to the municipality.
  • how the municipality will be recognized for their contribution.
  • when the funding is needed by.
  • how the request meets strategic priorities or projects for the municipality.
  • 1-2 letters of community support.
  • additional information as deemed necessary for the purposes of evaluation, which may include balance sheets, business plan, income projections, annual report(s), proof of insurance, etc.

 For more information on the program click here to read the policy.

Any requests for the use of municipal resources must comply with the Use of Municipal Resources policy.


Residents of Fundy Albert


Residents of Fundy Albert

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