Council Members

Phone: 506 874 1103

Phone: 506 381 5864

Phone: 506 380 9663

Phone: 506 734 2736

Phone: 506 866 4000
Village Clerk Information
The Clerk's Office provides support services
Th support services to the Mayor and Council and is generally the first point of contact.
Specifically, the Clerk coordinates meetings of Council; schedules delegations to appear at Council Meetings; records and keeps records of all by-laws, minutes, reports, etc., and makes them available to the public; processes all
requests for information; and issues Public Notices.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Information
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is the senior staff person and head of the administrative branch of the Municipality of Fundy Albert. They are accountable to the Mayor and Council. This office is responsible in providing leadership development, implementation and administration of all council approved policies, programs and responsibilities as legislated through by-laws and regulations of the Village. The CAO is the direct supervisor of all municipal department heads and responsible for their performance management, and all other supervisory functions.