Council of Fundy Albert meets twice each month
You’re invited to attend
Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings, held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, are open to the public. Find our meeting dates below, and plan to join us.

Regular Council Meetings
The Regular monthly meetings occur on the first Tuesday of the month with varying start times. The Regular meeting is a public meeting and is an opportunity for Council to conduct their business.
Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month with a 4:30 p.m. start time.
These are public meetings, and serve as an opportunity for Council to receive information on, and discuss various subjects. It is often the first opportunity for an item or issue to be presented to Council and therefore, decisions are not made at this meeting.
This allows time for Councilors to reflect on the information and/or seek further information as necessary in order to assist in their decision making at a later date, which normally occurs during the Regular Monthly Council meetings. Committee of the Whole Meetings are also open to the public to make brief presentations to Council.
Please register with the Clerk in advance at

Closed Sessions
If required, Council may hold a Closed Session when the subject matter includes any of the following:
- Information of which the confidentiality is protected by law,
- Personal information as defined in the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
- Information that could cause financial loss or gain to a person or the local government or could jeopardize negotiations leading to an agreement or contract
- The proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land,
- Information that could violate the confidentiality of information obtained from the Government of Canada or from the government of a province or territory,
- Information concerning legal opinions or advice provided to Fundy Albert by its solicitor or privileged communications between solicitor and client in a matter of local government business,
- Litigation or potential litigation affecting Fundy Albert, or any corporation referred to in Page 4 of 20 subsection 8(1) of the Act, Fundy Albert’s agencies, boards or commissions including a matter before an administrative tribunal,
- The access to or security of buildings and other structures occupied or used by Fundy Albert or access to or security of systems of Fundy Albert, including computer or communication systems,
- Information gathered by the police, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, in the course of investigating any illegal activity or suspected illegal activity, or the source of that information, or
- Labour and employment matters, including the negotiation of collective agreements.
Individuals or groups wishing to be included on the Agenda and present to Council must register with the Clerk’s office at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. Registered presentations shall be limited to five (5) minutes, followed by questions from Council.
Contact the Clerk’s office in writing at with your name, topic of concern, and indicate whether there has been any previous contact with a member of Council or Administration regarding the matter.
Individuals or groups wishing to address Council by appearing at the meeting with no previous registration should sign in at the door and will be called in the order they register. Unregistered presentations are limited to two (2) minutes each, followed by questions from Council.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change with 24 hours advance notice to Members and the public.