Brief history of HH up to our re-launch year of 2023
The Harvey Hall Company was established in 1884 through the valiant efforts of the community members at the time. It served as a pillar in the rural southeaster NB for many years. As a structure the building remained but the support of persons involved in the hall dwindled. In December 2018 a group of concerned citizens gather to discuss the situation of the building. A new board was created to facilitate the future of the Harvey Hall. Unfortunately, the HH had to be closed due to safety concerns and remained closed during covid for a total of approximately 6 years. Through the tireless efforts of the Board of Directors and other recruited volunteers the structure of building was secured enough to allow activities again in the building Additionally, with the foundational repairs that ensured security and safety for a new roof to be put on the HH. Through a very active small board of directors, a fabulous season of activity was held at the Harvey Hall. The 2023 season was kick-started with two 100% profit events: Birds, Birds, Birds and an Indoor Yard sale. Such events saw many come to the building to participate and simply have a refreshed look at the Old Harvey Hall. Community engagement was a focus of the board and we have surely met this during our first season open. The program team was able to enlist 10 musical/comedic performances at the Harvey Hall which brought people once again back into the hall while generating revenue. Partnerships were activated in our season with the Shepody Girl Guides participating and doing their own fundraising as well as an event partnership with Albert County Exhibition to host a Circus event during the summer. What a great sense of community was seen on the fair ground on a mid summer eventing. The Harvey Hall also offered free community events such as: Chair Yoga, Seniors Lunch Socials and historical presentations. This past season also saw the HH utilized the NB SEED grant for the role of Historical Curator for HH. The hall was open 3 full days a week for people to simply drop in a discover the rich history of this cherished building in the community. Harvey Hall also became a stopping point which our outdoor bench display for walkers, cyclists and others! All were welcome to come into the Harvey Hall.
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